Brand new Bachelor of Science in Agroecology program available in Battambang, Cambodia!

The National University of Battambang has launched a brand new Bachelor of Science in Agroecology program! This one-of-a-kind degree in Cambodia focuses on sustainable farming that works in harmony with nature.

Developed with international collaboration from Australia, France, the USA, and Cambodian experts, this future-oriented program equips graduates with the skills to implement sustainable practices. The curriculum integrates natural systems, ecological principles, and practical farming techniques.

Aligned with UN Sustainability Goals and One-Health principles, the program emphasizes:

  • Reduced emissions and resource recycling through practices like local supply chains.
  • Biodiversity conservation using methods like integrative pest management and improved soil health.
  • Locally-driven, adaptable agricultural techniques that address specific social, environmental, and economic needs.

Designed to meet industry demands, the program prepares students for careers in agroecology across private companies, government agencies, and NGOs. Graduates will play a key role in transitioning Cambodian agriculture from monoculture to practices that promote biodiversity and improve crop yields while safeguarding the environment.

For more information, please contact:

Dr. Pao Srean, Dean, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Processing, National University of Battambang, Cambodia;



Published: 26/03/2024